
Streamline Onboarding

Seamless and secure access to user account information, eliminating manual entry and reducing friction for a hassle-free customer journey.

Prevent Fraud

Access reliable data directly from the customers bank, confirming customer identity, mitigating risk of loss through impersonation.

Enhance Reliability

Eliminate the risks and inaccuracies associated with human errors by relying on verified account data to ensure accurate transfers.

How it works

Effortless account connections with our simple user flows, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience.

  • 1
    Select Bank
    Customers select the bank account they wish to verify.
  • 2
    Review permissions
    Customers review and grant consent for data sharing.
  • 3
    Customers verify their credentials to authorise data access.
  • 4
    Account Verified
    Account information has been verified.
Select Bank
Customers select the bank account they wish to verify.
BH bank selection Select bank-1
Review permissions
Customers review and grant consent for data sharing.
Review permissions-1 Review permissions-1 Review permissions-1
Customers verify their credentials to authorise data access.
Authenticate-1 Authenticate-1 Authenticate-1
Account Verified
Account information has been verified.
account verified account verified account verified

How industry leaders use Account Verification

Fraud prevention

Safeguard your business

Validate the accuracy and legitimacy of customer-provided account information, minimising the risk of fraudulent transactions and fund transfers.

Events and Resources

Lending , Bahrain
Regional-first via new launch of Income Verification product enables instant loans for FLOOSS consumers First and fastest digital loan service in ...
Open Banking
In an age where the speed of service can make or break a financial institution, the traditional loan approval process often feels like a relic of the ...
Open Banking
Lending has always been a balancing act between opportunity and risk. On the one hand, lenders strive to extend credit to qualified borrowers, ...
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